Leasing a Copier – Some Tips

Sharp-CopiersIf you are looking to lease a copier here in the San Jose area, we can help.  We sell the Xerox line of copiers and can work with you if this is your first copier, if you are trying to get rid of a copier that isn’t working or you are coming up to the end of your lease and ready to get a new copier.

Before you sign your next lease, here are some things to consider.

  • It is good to check and see how long a company has been in business.  You are looking to purchase a copier and if the company is just a few months old, there is a 90% chance they won’t make it to 5 years, the average copier lease.
  • If you are unsure, ask questions.  The sales rep should give you answers you can understand.
  • Make sure you get the features you need.  If features are added later, generally the copier will be more expensive for you.

If you need a copier in San Jose, please give us a call today!
