New User Copier Training
During this season, many San Jose business owners are hiring interns to work within their offices. While these interns can be a great asset to your business, it’s important to note that they need to be trained on how to use the copier. If they don’t receive copier training, there is a god chance that your equipment will be misused, abused, and even broken.
In recognizing the importance of training your interns on how to use your copier, it’s important that you gain a basic understanding of what type of training they will need. Generally, copier training should pertain to the following issues:
-paper jams
-toner cartridge changes
-tray reloading
As many copier experts know, the copiers of our contemporary world are designed with precision and contain numerous elements that must be treated with care. For example, if one of your interns were to insert a toner cartridge incorrectly, fixing the problem could take several hours and even days. This is precious time that can cost your business money as employees are not able to send and receive faxes, electronic notes, general inquiries, and bills.
Although neglecting to train your interns on how to use your copiers could be a problem, it doesn’t have to be. By offering interns the right guidance and training, San Jose business owners can ensure that their interns keep the copiers in excellent condition.