Document Management in San Jose – Archiving

San Jose Copier Document Archiving
It is important to have your San Jose Copier and document management firm set up a DM system that has robust archiving functionality. Archiving involves segmenting documents that have little current usage in a safe, separate, often offline location, with the ability to access the data at some point in the future, if and as needed.

It’s good to offload documents that you no longer need into a separate folder, or even separate media, as it does clear not only physical disk space, but mental space, away from documents that have little relevance to day-to-day actions, but still may need to readily accessible.

There are many reasons for your San Jose copier and DM firm to help archive, rather than simply delete, older information. However, almost all these needs fall under the category of “just-in-case”. Reasons include ensuring your paperwork is in line with government regulations, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as well as meeting IRS/auditing requirements of having historical accounting information available for the past several years. From a business standpoint, archived information could contain valuable client prospecting data that might only become needed for future as-of-yet unanticipated needs.
